Our holistic curriculum approach underpins Armley Grange’s ethos and aims to ensure that autistic children and young people are given the opportunity to achieve high standards within a supportive community.
We view the curriculum as:
‘Encompassing all teachable moments, using every interaction to help our students fulfil their potential.’
Our curriculum offer comprises of the following parts:
- Academic Studies
- Therapeutic Provision
- Social Education
The aim is that students become more socially aware, academic outcomes improve and they can regulate their emotions and understand how to cope with their additional needs.
Through their academic studies, we achieve positive outcomes in various ways:
- The staff understand every student’s complex needs and therefor can plan, assess, and implement the best quality learning for each student.
- Provide small group sizes alongside high staffing ratios to support students in their studies and overcome barriers to learning.
- Transition planning routes for students that suit the range of students at the school
Whilst we acknowledge that academic success is important, and this leads to an improved sense of self-worth and accomplishment we also know that our students need that holistic approach to school life to flourish and believe they have a future.
We work closely with our clinical team, parents and carers, staff and students to ensure we help students develop social understanding, improve their wellbeing and become as independent as possible.
We aim to deliver a curriculum which is meaningful and fun with academic and vocational pathways, to enable our students to become:
- Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
- Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
- Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
Our curriculum lead is William Riley, Deputy Headteacher.